With cricket season coming to a close my thoughts navigate towards the impending winter and reflect on the summer that never really was. Thanks England, thanks a whole f*ckin lot.
Like all dark tales of tragedy and despair, this summer has but one bright light, one golden glow at the end of the tunnel, indeed one last tiny sparkle. Ladies and Gentleman may I present *drum roll please* The cricket tour to the Seychelles! *insert trumpets here*.
28th September 16.00 hrs GMT: Ben mutters under his breath words to the effect of "So long suckers!" to his beleaguered work colleagues.
28th September 21.05 hrs GMT: Ben scowls in the general direction of London as the plane takes off bound for fairer shores.
29th September 10.15 hrs GMT+4: Exiting the plane, basking in glorious sunshine, Ben sets about developing his taste for the local beer.
The end of the golden weather? No, this is just the beginning.