It all started around 8pm when I arrived at Monsoon Poon, fantastic name for a restaurant by the way. Due to my, and others stellar performance at work, dinner was on the bank. I had a prawn green curry which tasted great; I downed $30.00 worth of great wine which made everything feel very good indeed.
So with the lovely Hannah I proceeded to Katipo where we met up with Rebecca. There were a few bands playing and I got some good video. The best band did covers of TV themes, stand out songs were ‘Happy Days’ ‘Knight Rider’ and ‘Batman’.
Hilariously ran in to Tony O’Connor who is down from Pahia, he seemed glad to be having a bit of a rest from Pahia. Once the bands had done their thing I was introduced to James who is a workmate of Rebecca’s he seemed pretty cool.
So following some good conversation and a few Monteiths Celtics the decision was made to have a bit of a sing-song at the K-Bar. It was quite busy and they were playing the short versions of all the songs so no one was getting much stage time. This was probably a good thing as we were all pretty hammered by that stage, saying that we still managed to have a great time.

In fact we were having so much fun; I missed my bus home. This ended up not mattering because Hannah, who is awesome, now lives in town and even gave me a ride to the train station the next afternoon so that I was home in time to get ready for work.
All in all another fantastic weekend, which begs the question, why am I leaving this marvellous city come 16th of May?
Pizza and beer is a rather good combination don’t ya think? Now if you add a good dose of olive-based in-jokes to the mix you have a recipe for jovial hilarity.
Firstly, let’s just establish the fact that in-jokes are funnier than your average “A horse walked in to a bar…” joke. There is no question about this and if you disagree with me you are wrong.
Secondly, I can’t write about particular in-jokes because if you weren’t there you simply won’t get it. I’m sure you’ve all had someone labour through a long story and get to the punch line that doesn’t seem to be very funny then follow it up with the obligatory “I guess you had to be there” spiel. So I won’t even go there.
The beauty and difficulty of in-jokes is that they’re hilariously funny to those that are in the know, yet boring and mundane to those who are simply told about it. So no, I’m not going to tell you the joke but I will, and have already made reference to it.
So I share a hearty laugh with the readers that actually get it…
Yes the olives, fuck that’s so funny I’m shitting my pants right now, Olives!! BAHAHAHA…
Everyone’s a comedian right? Just check out olive-eye below.

Well is was Shanes last week at the dreaded bank so on Wednesday night we thought we’d give him a hangover for Thursday, which incidentally happened to be his last day.
We started out at Shooters as it was student night and there were loads of cheap drinks going, not to mention pelvic thrusts.
We then “popped” over to Hope Bro’s for a few more drinks. I must say I do like Hope Bro’s upstairs, it’s comfortable and warm, “and they have a pool table too!” – thanks Garth. It basically has all the things that make a good place to drink.
Heng, Phil and I proceeded home via the trusty Co-op shuttles shuttle company, Phill was still attempting to pull off the odd pelvic thrust despite the limited confines of the van.
So young Lauren said she wanted to celebrate her new job, so we did. A few beers in Hataitai was followed by a few more at Basement, followed by the mother-load, i.e. the infamous BEER TOWER. This time we got photos.
Its so good, Guy can't even open his eyes when in its presence.
I had my “specialist” appointment on Friday, so I got up really early; I think it was like 10.30am – I know, you hate me. For those that don’t know what a “Specialist” is, I will explain, they’re the people that undergo years of intense training in order to be qualified to tell you what you already know, oh yeah RESPECT. So apparently I no longer have tendonitis, Wahoo! But I still have muscle cramps, this is decidedly not Wahoo, but evidently these cramps do not cause long term damage, so as soon as I stop using the computer for 8 hours a day they should come right. It’s a pity that I’ve resigned as now I won’t be eligible for any of those sweet sweet ACC payouts that everyone’s bludging uncle is on…
However, the title of this post is “It’s a gorgeous day” and it was, Jared and I went on a wander around, we even took in the aerial photography exhibition at Waitangi park, how cultural of us. Check out these pictures of the beautiful Wellington water front.
This weekend I went about my business at a rather more sedate pace than usual. In fact on Friday night, not even one single drop of alcohol troubled my yearning gullet. This in itself is quite an achievement, or disappointment depending upon how you look at it. I hear your cries, “What is to blame Ben?” “Why must you subject yourself to the perils of sobriety?” And yes it is perilous, just check out this link *insert convulsion here*. In answer to your pertinent questions, I am solely responsible for the state I was in and the way I acted, I subjected myself to the jeopardy of sobriety merely… to save money, oh the shame...
On the up side I saw Underworld: Evolution and the more I think about it the more I think about giving Kate Beckinsale a bone.