Sunday, March 19, 2006

The last of the summer wine…

I guess that’s it then, summer is over. Daylight savings has finished and the weather is starting to pack in. It’s a sad time but we did see off summer in style on Friday, which also happened to be St Paddy’s day.

Billed as the last BBQ of the summer, we dutifully turned up to the Hataitai flat. Jared, bless his little soul had got me beer and a T-Bone, so from the moment I arrived there was happiness. As a side note, that man sure knows how to BBQ.

Dave and I spent many a happy hour reliving our former glory days as students in Dunedin; this was followed by some fantastic re-enactments of bad language and behaviour, ahhh those certainly were the days.

Some random chicks turned up, they seemed to know who I was so I played it cool and pretended to know them back. I think they went to my school or something.

Rebecca H and I decided to hit the town, realising that young Hannah would be finishing work in quarter of an hour. One text asking her if she wanted to come was answered 12 seconds later with an “Ok you talked me in to it, pick me up from work” – Hannah, you’re awesome. Also in the awesome yet additionally hilarious category, visiting my workplace while in a state of inebriation, I’d totally recommend it to anyone that works in a soulless job like me. It really lets you realise that the bastards haven’t got all of your soul just yet.

By this stage I was quite far gone, but I’m pretty sure there was dancing and Irish bars, and possibly dancing in Irish bars too. I said ‘no kebabs’ but got hungry and everyone else was having them so that rule went out the window pretty quickly.

Saturday morning I was feeling pretty damn well hung over so I moved about 4 meters up the stairs and watched the cricket all day, which is exactly what I had planned to do however I had planned to actually go to the game. To make up for my laziness I called upon Dad, who with a little prodding, (i.e. I’ll give you $10) roasted a lamb for dinner, it was awesome; he even made mint sauce, made mint sauce! I swear there is nothing he can’t do. So after that single act I felt like I had spent the day well.

Sunday was also not to be your typical day of rest, oh no. I had free cricket tickets from work and I was determined to use them, oh yes I was. Davey and I picked up some food and proceeded to the Basin, which it must be said, is the most beautiful ground that you could ever have a picnic on, let alone watch a test at. Lara got out for a measly run, which made his total for the match a massive two runs. The weather sort of packed in at the Tea break but it was time to trundle off to work anyway.

1 comment:

  1. There is indeed nothing he can't do. Nothing.
