Friday it was Nick's birthday so we had a BBQ and sung Karaoke - well I did, most people just wailed, but then again I was rather intoxicated so I probably just wailed too, but don't tell my ego. I'm a male and male egos are delicate. My version of Adam Sandlers Medium Pace was quite memorable if I do say so myself. Sweet ego is now good, lets carry on.
The parentals are away camping - they're such cliché baby boomers it’s sickening. So inevitably I'm looking after the farm, crap I forgot to feed the hens, no mater I'm sure they'll kill a pigeon or something if they get really hungry.
Saturday (Sevens night) was a huge night on the town, so I hear. I was just not feeling it so despite several invites (including one from my dubious Chinese friends) I stayed home - partly out of fear but mostly cause I just wasn't feeling it ok! Can't believe I keep turning down two women that, dare I say it Dave, are totally spin-able.
I know I'm an idiot but as most of you know the old adage "If you play with fire you get burnt" really does apply here. Initiate self check... Whew ego is still intact, though only barely.
So I stayed home with my geeky self and ordered Pizza, watched TV and episodes of the X-Files, then surfed the web for pic's of Gillian Anderson – I guess I'm a 1995 geek and a sucker for fringe pop culture. So cliché generation X its sickening.
Hey wait a minute, stop trying to Pigion-hole me and tell me what is cool and get off my back man I don't care what you think. I'm going to start a pop/punk/emo band so that I can express my fustration. Yeah that'd be original and not clichéd at all.
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